MediaWiki:Gadget-wikidebug.js: Różnice pomiędzy wersjami

Usunięta treść Dodana treść
Krinkle (dyskusja | edycje)
Minor clean up
Linia 5:
@section Dependencies
- jQuery - weakly dependent (might be easily rewritten to use something else); uses the "jQuery" object
- sftJSmsgmediawiki.util - used for nice alertsaddPortletLink()
- oojs-ui-core - for OO.ui.alert()
@section done Functionality
Linia 27 ⟶ 28:
var errors = [],
stateIcons = {
@brief Class for debugging
function wikiDbgClass()
//! Version of class
this.ver = this.version = '1.0.2';
//! @brief Array of errors that were caught
//! this is an array of objects: {strErrMsg:'error message', strFileName:'', intLine:123}
this.arrErrors = [];
//! <private> variable containing an object of the class
var self = this;
//! <private> Icons urls depending on state of the debugger
var oStateIcons = {
'active' : '//',
'inactive' : '//',
'error' : '//'
strState = 'active';
// test ver.
if (location.hostname == 'localhost')
oStateIcons = {
'active' : 'img/bug.png',
'inactive' : 'img/bug_inactive.png',
'error' : 'img/bug_occured.png'
window.onerror = function ( strErrMsg, strFileName, intLine ) {
//! <private> state of the debugger
var strState = 'activeerror'; // for now always active
errors.push( {
strErrMsg: strErrMsg,
strFileName: strFileName,
intLine: intLine
} );
return true;
function getBrowser() {
//! <private> Main container element
return navigator.userAgent;
var elContainer = null;
//! <private> Icon element
var elIcon = null;
//! <private> Number of bugs indicator element
var elNumBugs = null;
function getScripts() {
var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName( 'script' );
@brief <private> Error handler to be run onerror
return [] scripts ).reduce( function ( arr, el ) {
function errorHandler(strErrMsg, strFileName, intLine)
return el.src ? arr.concat( el.src ) : arr;
}, [] );
strState = 'error';
'strErrMsg':strErrMsg, 'strFileName':strFileName, 'intLine':intLine
return true;
@brief <private> Init stuff that needs to have the page ready
function pageReady()
// add container for info and icons
elContainer = document.createElement('div');
var elParent = document.getElementById('p-personal');
if (!elParent)
elParent = document.body;
// = 'position:absolute; right:0; top:0; z-index:10000; background-color:white;';
// = 'position:relative; z-index:10000; background-color:white;';
elContainer.setAttribute('id', 'wikidebug-container');
// add num of bugs
elNumBugs = document.createElement('span');
if (self.arrErrors.length)
elNumBugs.innerHTML = self.arrErrors.length;
// add bugs icon
elIcon = document.createElement('img');
elIcon.src = oStateIcons[strState];
elIcon.setAttribute('alt', 'bug:'+strState);
elIcon.onclick = function() { self.showInfo(); };
@brief <private> Get browser details
function getBrowser()
return navigator.userAgent;
@brief <private> Get loaded scripts
function getScripts()
var arrScripts = [];
//var reShortenScriptUrl = /^http:\/\/([^\/]+).+?[?&]title=([^?&]+).+/;
var url = this.src;
if (>=0)
url = url.replace(reShortenScriptUrl, '$1/$2');
if (url && url.length) // external script
return arrScripts;
@brief Init debugging
this.init = function ()
if (strState == 'active')
window.onerror = errorHandler;
function showInfo() {
var msg = mw.format(
@brief Show debug info
'=== Browser ===\n$1\n\n=== Scripts ===\n$2\n\n=== Errors ===\n$3',
this.showInfo = function()
getScripts().map( function ( script ) {
return '* ' + script;
// conv. errors
var } strErrors =).join( '\n'; ), function ( err ) {
for (var i in self.arrErrors)
return mw.format( '* [$1 @$2] $3', err.strFileName, err.intLine, err.strErrMsg );
} ).join( '\n' )
strErrors += '\n* ['+self.arrErrors[i].strFileName+' @'+self.arrErrors[i].intLine+'] '
// show
+'<div><textarea rows="10" style="width:100%">'
+'=== Browser ===\n'
+'=== Scripts ===\n'
+'\n* '+getScripts().join('\n* ')
+'=== Errors ===\n'
OO.ui.alert( $( '<textarea>' ).attr( 'rows', 15 ).text( msg ), {
size: 'large',
title: 'wikidebug'
} );
$( function () {
$( mw.util.addPortletLink( 'p-personal', '#', 'wikidebug', 'p-wikidebug', 'wikidebug' ) )
// Init debugger object
.append( [
$( '<span>' ).text( errors.length || '' ),
var wikidbg = new wikiDbgClass();
$( '<img>' ).attr( 'src', stateIcons[ strState ] )
// this should start debugging
] )
.on( 'click', function ( evt ) {
// EOF
mw.loader.using( 'oojs-ui-core' ).done( showInfo );
} );
} );