Post-Laureate Idyls, and Other Poems
Post-Laureate Idyls, and Other Poems – tomik wierszy amerykańskiego poety Oscara Faya Adamsa (1855-1919)[1], opublikowany w 1886 w Bostonie nakładem oficyny D. Lothrop and Company. Zbiorek dzieli się na cykle Post-Laureate Idyls, lyrics, etc. i Sonnets. Zawiera też poematy A Tale of Tuscany i The Legend of the Golden Lotus. Z polskiego punktu widzenia jest interesujący z powodu dwóch wierszy poświęconych Helenie Modrzejewskiej, aktorce, która za oceanem zdobyła sławę: To Modjeska as Rosalind i To Modjeska as Julia of Verona. Oba są sonetami.

- When from the poet's brain fair Arden's glades
- Were peopled with the lightsome folk we know,
- A shade of discontent was seen to grow
- Upon his brow, as he through long decades
- In vision saw this loveliest of his maids
- By beardless boys enacted, and her show
- Of maiden grace obscured and hidden so
- In guise of youths half-won from boyish trades.
- Soon changed the vision, and through centuries far
- A group of women fair he then did see,
- Whose hearts, one after other, were beguiled
- By some Orlando's youth and bravery,
- And in the throng, and radiant as a star,
- On thee, the mighty Master, looking, smiled!
- (To Modjeska as Rosalind)
edytuj- ↑ Oscar Fay Adams (1855-1919). [dostęp 2017-04-23]. (ang.).
edytuj- Oscar Fay Adams: Post-Laureate Idyls, and Other Poems., 1886. [dostęp 2017-04-23]. (ang.).