Post-Laureate Idyls, and Other Poems

Post-Laureate Idyls, and Other Poems – tomik wierszy amerykańskiego poety Oscara Faya Adamsa (1855-1919)[1], opublikowany w 1886 w Bostonie nakładem oficyny D. Lothrop and Company. Zbiorek dzieli się na cykle Post-Laureate Idyls, lyrics, etc. i Sonnets. Zawiera też poematy A Tale of Tuscany i The Legend of the Golden Lotus. Z polskiego punktu widzenia jest interesujący z powodu dwóch wierszy poświęconych Helenie Modrzejewskiej, aktorce, która za oceanem zdobyła sławę: To Modjeska as Rosalind i To Modjeska as Julia of Verona. Oba są sonetami.

Helena Modrzejewska jako Ofelia
When from the poet's brain fair Arden's glades
Were peopled with the lightsome folk we know,
A shade of discontent was seen to grow
Upon his brow, as he through long decades
In vision saw this loveliest of his maids
By beardless boys enacted, and her show
Of maiden grace obscured and hidden so
In guise of youths half-won from boyish trades.
Soon changed the vision, and through centuries far
A group of women fair he then did see,
Whose hearts, one after other, were beguiled
By some Orlando's youth and bravery,
And in the throng, and radiant as a star,
On thee, the mighty Master, looking, smiled!
(To Modjeska as Rosalind)


  1. Oscar Fay Adams (1855-1919). [dostęp 2017-04-23]. (ang.).

