Cięcie (serial telewizyjny)

Cięcie (ang. The Cut, 2009-2010) – brytyjska opera mydlana dla młodzieży (w Polsce jako serial sensacyjny[1]).

The Cut

dramat obyczajowy, sensacyjny

Kraj produkcji

Wielka Brytania

Oryginalny język



Geoffrey Goodwin
Al Smith

Liczba odcinków


Liczba serii



Sarah Walker


Al Smith
Anna McCleery
Grant Black
Vicki Lutas

Czas trwania odcinka

25 minut

Pierwsza emisja
Data premiery

19 września 2009

Stacja telewizyjna

BBC Switch

Lata emisji


Strona internetowa



i inni

Wersja polska


Wersja polska: na zlecenie telewizji AXN - Strat Intrnational Polska
Tekst: Maria Sobolewska
Czytał: Radosław Popłonikowski

Spis odcinków

Światowa premiera odcinka Polska premiera odcinka N/o Polski tytuł Angielski tytuł
14.09.2009 02.04.2012 01 Jay Jay
15.09.2009 Marla Marla
16.09.2009 Olive Olive
17.09.2009 Stephen Stephen
18.09.2009 Cięcie The Cut
21.09.2009 03.04.2012 02 Happy Birthday Stephen
22.09.2009 I Was Born Here
23.09.2009 I Found Dad's Wallet
24.09.2009 Who's Got Your Jacket?
25.09.2009 I Made A Mistake About You...
28.09.2009 04.04.2012 03 He's Not Going To Call...
29.09.2009 I Lost My Ticket
30.09.2009 If You Want Something You've Got To Work At It
01.10.2009 Trains Leave Every Hour
02.10.2009 Stop Hiding Your Head In The Sand...
05.10.2009 05.04.2012 04 No More Secrets...
06.10.2009 Have You Seen Stephen?
07.10.2009 You Always Say You Want An Adventure...
08.10.2009 Bon Voyage...
09.10.2009 I'm Stephen's Girlfriend...
12.10.2009 06.04.2012 05 You're Fifteen Olive!
13.10.2009 Age Gaps Can Work...
14.10.2009 I've Found Someone Else
15.10.2009 I Do Really Like Olive...
16.10.2009 This Is How You Get Your Revenge?
19.10.2009 06 Is It True?
20.10.2009 Jay! Phone An Ambulance
21.10.2009 Jay Came Back
22.10.2009 Competition Huh?
23.10.2009 I Think She's Cool
26.10.2009 07 I Don't Think We Can Be Friends
27.10.2009 What You After Little Joey For?
28.10.2009 Olive Loxley Means Nothing To Me
29.10.2009 He Lost The House In A Poker Game?!
30.10.2009 Give Me The Deeds Jay
02.11.2009 08 When Is Stephen's Interview?
03.11.2009 Chasing Her Only Makes Her Stay Away Longer...
04.11.2009 Do You Have A Boyfriend?
05.11.2009 I'm Not Selling The Café To Mack!
06.11.2009 Tell Her...Now...Or I Will!
09.11.2009 09 I'm Not Going To Be Too Young Forever
10.11.2009 I Think You Do OK As You Are
11.11.2009 Wanna Get Out Of Here?
12.11.2009 You're Unbelievable
13.11.2009 There Must Be A Phone Number
16.11.2009 10 You've Got Potential
17.11.2009 Got Your Eye On Anyone?
18.11.2009 I Got You This...
19.11.2009 Only Ever With You...
20.11.2009 Worried What She'll Say?
23.11.2009 11 This Is It
24.11.2009 I Just Want To Apologise
25.11.2009 I Need Time To Think
26.11.2009 I Know I'm Right About This
27.11.2009 I Didn't Want It To Be Like This
30.11.2009 12 But You Said...
01.12.2009 This Your Place?
02.12.2009 Could We Go Somewhere?
03.12.2009 I'm Her Friend...
04.12.2009 How Do You Feel About Moving To The Moon?
07.12.2009 13 Do You Want Me To Stop?
08.12.2009 A Romantic Glance Over The Café Counter
09.12.2009 That Split Second
10.12.2009 Special Rebel Lessons
11.12.2009 I Wanted To Ask
14.12.2009 14 Can You Believe Him?
15.12.2009 Olive Loxley...You Heartbreaker
16.12.2009 Show Me
17.12.2009 I Love The Necklace...
18.12.2009 Tommy...You Tried...
18.12.2009 15 Don't Make Me Choose
18.12.2009 You've Got To Win Mack...
18.12.2009 I'm Going To Look Like A Complete Loser
18.12.2009 What Happened In Brighton?
18.12.2009 He Asked Me First...
19.04.2010 16 Just Heard The Weirdest Rumour
20.04.2010 You're A Somebody Now
21.04.2010 Where Would He Get A Horse From?
22.04.2010 Geeks, Nobodies, Losers...
23.04.2010 Freed From The Ranks Of The Freaks
26.04.2010 17 More STDs Than GCSEs
27.04.2010 The Right Way
28.04.2010 Worse Than 15
29.04.2010 Boys And Parties
30.04.2010 Between Me And Olive
03.05.2010 18 This Calls For Outside Help
04.05.2010 Why Do You Torture Yourself?
05.05.2010 You Could Have Avoided All This
06.05.2010 Go Get Her, Tiger
07.05.2010 You Might Enjoy It As Well
10.05.2010 19 The Morning After
11.05.2010 I've Got A Plan
12.05.2010 Who Grounds Someone On Their 16th?
13.05.2010 We Could Get A Coffee
14.05.2010 Juice
17.05.2010 20 You're Perfect To Me
18.05.2010 Single Ladies
19.05.2010 He Treated Her Like A Muppet
20.05.2010 Pretty Public Snogging
21.05.2010 So What Happens Now?
24.05.2010 21 The Eek In Geek
25.05.2010 You Should Learn To Have An Opinion
26.05.2010 Should Never Have Given You A Second Chance
27.05.2010 I've Given Up Tryin To Understand
28.05.2010 Its Human Nature To Be Selfish
31.05.2010 22 Its Only A B
01.06.2010 Its Time This Café Got A Life
02.06.2010 Human Pyramids
03.06.2010 Mango, Coconut And Vodka
04.06.2010 Massive
07.06.2010 23 That Boy Is A Dark Horse
08.06.2010 OMGYGB2K
09.06.2010 With A Punch That Quick It Barely Shows
10.06.2010 Couldn't Stick To The No Touching Rule
11.06.2010 This Doesn't Make Me Your Girlfriend
12.07.2010 24 She Doesn't Even See Me
13.07.2010 A Year, Three Months And 17 Days
14.07.2010 I Guess I've Got Less To Lose
15.07.2010 Stephen's Obsessed With You
16.07.2010 What Would Big Dog Do?
19.07.2010 25 Like You Still Think About Me
20.07.2010 Dad, Where's My Car?
21.07.2010 Look At My Lunch
22.07.2010 You're Such A Hypocrite
23.07.2010 My Confusatron
26.07.2010 26 Some Serious Frankie-Panky
27.07.2010 She's Still My Little Girl
28.07.2010 I Feel Sick
29.07.2010 Just Feel The Music
30.07.2010 It's You And Me
02.08.2010 27 It's A Wonder You Don't Have Whiplash
03.08.2010 What's The Worst That Could Happen?
04.08.2010 Heard The Canteen Is The Place To Hang Out...
05.08.2010 He's Definitely Embracing The Crazy...
06.08.2010 An Adventure For The Ears...
09.08.2010 28 Breaking Point
10.08.2010 Why Are You Being So Weak?
11.08.2010 You Kissed Him?
12.08.2010 You're My First Love
13.08.2010 Last Night I Dreamt...
27.09.2010 29 Ghost In The Head
28.09.2010 Wake
29.09.2010 Six Weeks Later
30.09.2010 Got Any Mustard?
01.10.2010 Fresh Starts
10.10.2010 30 I Hate The First Day Back At School
10.10.2010 Totally Gonna Be The Next Anne Frank
10.10.2010 I Don't Do Fakes
10.10.2010 Way Better Than Betty
10.10.2010 Is It the Way I Dress?
11.10.2010 31 Not Under My Roof
12.10.2010 Can't Get A Mate
13.10.2010 Desperate...With Desire...For You
14.10.2010 Apophallation
15.10.2010 Take Her With You
18.10.2010 32 The Benedick Sexpress
19.10.2010 The Pumpatron 3000
20.10.2010 Stephen Was A Mistake
21.10.2010 Puck And Bottom, They're Mine!
22.10.2010 Consider Us Your Personal Glee Club
25.10.2010 33 Most Haunted
26.10.2010 Fear Factor 100
27.10.2010 Axe Wielding Maniacs
28.10.2010 Even Nice Guys Do It
29.10.2010 Trick or Treat?
01.11.2010 34 Sunday Mornings Are For One Thing
02.11.2010 I'll Pray For You
03.11.2010 Vanilla, Please
04.11.2010 My Rules, Always
05.11.2010 Eight Hundred Pounds
08.11.2010 35 Your Secret's Safe With Me
09.11.2010 You're Meant To Be In P.E.
10.11.2010 I'm Trying To Be A Friend To You
11.11.2010 We're Never Going To Be Friends
12.11.2010 Don't Take A Risk
15.11.2010 36 It's Your Baby
16.11.2010 There's Something Weird With Everyone
17.11.2010 You're Late. En Retard
18.11.2010 I Hate You
19.11.2010 Poetry Breathes
22.11.2010 37 It's So Much More Fun To Tease
23.11.2010 Stop Pretending You're Some Kind Of Sexpert
24.11.2010 All Looks And Nothing Else
25.11.2010 Don't Tell Anyone But...
26.11.2010 Miss. America
29.11.2010 38 I Give You Till Sunset
30.11.2010 Got Any Venus Fly-Traps?
01.12.2010 You Ever Kissed A Girl?
02.12.2010 So In Love
03.12.2010 This One's For You Frankie
06.12.2010 39 I Know You. You're Trouble
07.12.2010 Let Mortal Kombat Begin
08.12.2010 Two Flipping White Doves
09.12.2010 Pigerama Dovicus
10.12.2010 You Are So Adorkable
13.12.2010 40 A* In Food Technology
14.12.2010 Maybe That's Her Best Future
15.12.2010 You're Hurting Me
16.12.2010 I'm Your Guardian Angel
17.12.2010 There's So Much To Tell You...

Linki zewnętrzne



  1. Program telewizyjny - Cyfrowy Polsat [online], [dostęp 2017-11-15] (pol.).