Dyskusja wikiprojektu:Tłumaczenie artykułów/Ateizm

Najnowszy komentarz napisał 14 lat temu Stiepan Pietrov w wątku Pominięte





Common rationales include the problem of evil, the argument from inconsistent revelations, and the argument from nonbelief. Other arguments for atheism range from the philosophical to the social to the historical.--Stiepan Pietrov (dyskusja) 13:24, 26 lip 2009 (CEST)Odpowiedz



In English, the term atheism was derived from the French (fr.) athéisme in about 1587. [1] The term atheist (from Fr. (fr.) athée), in the sense of "one who denies or disbelieves the existence of God",[2] predates atheism in English, being first attested in about 1571.[3] Atheist as a label of practical godlessness was used at least as early as 1577.[4] Related words emerged later: deist in 1621,[5] theist in 1662;[6] en:theism in 1678;[7] and en:deism in 1682.[8] Deism and theism changed meanings slightly around 1700, due to the influence of atheism; deism was originally used as a synonym for today's theism, but came to denote a separate philosophical doctrine.[9]

Definicje i podziały


Writers disagree how best to define and classify atheism,[10] contesting what supernatural entities it applies to, whether it is an assertion in its own right or merely the absence of one, and whether it requires a conscious, explicit rejection. A variety of categories have been proposed to try to distinguish the different forms of atheism.

Argumenty ateistów

"A child of the mob once asked an en:astronomer who the father was who brought him into this world. The en:scholar pointed to the sky, and to an old man sitting, and said:
'That one there is your body's father, and that your soul's.'
To which the boy replied:
'What is above of us is of no concern to us, and I'm ashamed to be the child of such an aged man!
'O what supreme impiety, not to want to recognize your father, and not to think God is your maker!' [11] Emblem illustrating practical atheism and its historical association with immorality, titled "Supreme Impiety: Atheist and Charlatan", from Picta poesis, by en:Barthélemy Aneau, 1552.



Pismo opublikowane w "Nature" w 1998 opisywało ankietę, która wskazała, że odsetek wierzących w osobowego boga lub życie pozagrobowe wśród członków United States National Academy of Sciences osiągnął najniższą zanotowaną wartość, wynosząc jedynie 7%, podczas gdy wśród ogółu populacji wynosi on 85%[12]. W tym samym roku

In the same year en:Frank Sulloway of the en:Massachusetts Institute of Technology and en:Michael Shermer of en:California State University conducted a study which found in their polling sample of "credentialed" U.S. adults (12% had Ph.Ds and 62% were college graduates) 64% believed in God, and there was a en:correlation indicating that religious conviction diminished with education level.[13]

An inverse en:correlation between en:religiosity and intelligence has been found by 39 studies carried out between 1927 and 2002, according to an article in Mensa Magazine.[14] These findings broadly agree with a 1958 statistical en:meta-analysis by Professor Michael Argyle of the en:University of Oxford. He analyzed seven research studies that had investigated correlation between attitude to religion and measured intelligence among school and college students from the U.S. Although a clear negative correlation was found, the analysis did not identify causality but noted that factors such as authoritarian family background and social class may also have played a part.[15]

Ateizm, religia i moralność


W tych przypadkach przypisy potrzebują cytatów w języku polskim! [16][17].

Argumenty psychologiczne, socjologiczne i ekonomiczne


Recently, en:Michel Onfray, who regards himself as part of the tradition of en:individualist anarchism, has sought to revive this tradition as an argument for atheism, amidst modern schools of philosophy that he feels are cynical and en:epicurean.[potrzebny przypis]

  1. Rendered as Athisme: Mornay's Woorke concerning the Trewnesse of the Christian Religion, written in French; Against Atheists, Epicures, Paynims, Iewes, Mahumetists, and other infidels. London, 1587, s. xx. 310. Cytat: Athisme, that is to say, utter godlesnes.. Translation of De la verite de la religion chrestienne (1581).
  2. Szablon:OED
  3. Rendered as Atheistes: The Psalmes of David and others, with J. Calvin's commentaries. 1571, s. Ep. Ded. 3. Cytat: The Atheistes which say..there is no God.. Translated from French.
  4. The auncient ecclesiasticall histories of the first six hundred years after Christ, written by Eusebius, Socrates, and Evagrius. London, 1577, s. 63. OCLC 55193813. Cytat: The opinion which they conceaue of you, to be Atheists, or godlesse men..
  5. en:The Anatomy of Melancholy. 1621, s. III. iv. II. i. Cytat: Cosen-germans to these men are many of our great Philosophers and Deists..
  6. Five Letters. W: His opinion concerning the difference between the Church of England and Geneva [etc.]. London, 1662, s. 45. Cytat: To have said my office..twice a day..among Rebels, Theists, Atheists, Philologers, Wits, Masters of Reason, Puritanes [etc.]..
  7. "Secondly, that nothing out of nothing, in the sense of the atheistic objectors, viz. that nothing, which once was not, could by any power whatsoever be brought into being, is absolutely false; and that, if it were true, it would make no more against theism than it does against atheism.." Cudworth, Ralph. The true intellectual system of the universe. 1678. Chapter V Section II p.73
  8. Religio laici, or A laymans faith, a poem. London, 1682, s. Preface. OCLC 11081103. Cytat: …namely, that Deism, or the principles of natural worship, are only the faint remnants or dying flames of revealed religion in the posterity of Noah….
  9. The en:Oxford English Dictionary also records an earlier, irregular formation, atheonism, dated from about 1534. The later and now obsolete words athean and atheal are dated to 1611 and 1612 respectively. The Oxford English Dictionary. Wyd. Second Edition. Oxford University Press, USA, 1989. ISBN 0-19-861186-2.
  10. "Atheism". [w:] Encyclopedia Britannica [on-line]. 1911. [dostęp 2007-06-07]. (pol.).
  11. Translation of Latin text from "Summa impietas" (1552), Picta poesis, by en:Barthélemy Aneau. Glasgow University Emblem Website. Retrieved on en:2007-03-26.
  12. Edward J. Larson, Larry Witham. Correspondence: Leading scientists still reject God. „Nature”. 6691 (394), s. 313, 1998. DOI: 10.1038/28478. (ang.).  Dostępne pod adresem Leading scientists still reject God. [dostęp 19 sierpnia 2009]. (ang.).
  13. Michael Shermer: How We Believe: Science, Skepticism, and the Search for God. New York: William H Freeman, 1999, s. pp76–79. ISBN 0-7167-3561-X. (ang.).
  14. According to Dawkins (2006), p. 103. Dawkins cites Bell, Paul. "Would you believe it?" Mensa Magazine, UK Edition, Feb. 2002, pp. 12–13. Analyzing 43 studies carried out since 1927, Bell found that all but four reported such a connection, and he concluded that "the higher one's intelligence or education level, the less one is likely to be religious or hold 'beliefs' of any kind."
  15. Michael Argyle: Religious Behaviour. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1958, s. pp 93–96. ISBN 0-415-17589-5. (ang.).
  16. W Braciach Karamazow Dostojewskiego (Księga Jedenasta. Brat Iwan Fiodorowicz, rozdział 4) there is the famous argument that If there is no God, all things are permitted.: "'But what will become of men then?' I asked him, 'without God and immortal life? All things are lawful then, they can do what they like?'"
  17. Dla Kanta, presupozycja Boga, duszy i wolności była praktyczną troską, ponieważ "Morality, by itself, constitutes a system, but happiness does not, unless it is distributed in exact proportion to morality. This, however, is possible in an intelligible world only under a wise author and ruler. Reason compels us to admit such a ruler, together with life in such a world, which we must consider as future life, or else all moral laws are to be considered as idle dreams..." (Krytyka czystego rozumu, A811).
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