Vinton’s Poems: Translations, Miscellaneous, Sacred and Humorous

Vinton’s Poems: Translations, Miscellaneous, Sacred and Humorous – tomik wierszy Jonathana Dwighta Vintona (1831–1903)[1], opublikowany w Filadelfii w 1886. Oprócz własnych liryków poety znalazły się w nim tłumaczenia, między innymi utworów Anakreonta, Wergiliusza, Owidiusza, Friedricha Schillera, Friedricha Gottlieba Klopstocka, Garcilasa de la Vegi, Giacoma Leopardiego, Wiktora Hugo i Heinricha Heinego. Wśród oryginalnych liryków poety można odnaleźć między innymi wiersze Welcome Home!, The Little Wanderers, Country Gossip, The Rainbow, To My Mother, Morning, Memory, Oh, I Am Young i przytoczony poniżej Sonnet. To the Moon.

With mellow ray, thou blushing queen of night,
As if in air, and yet on nothing hung
Where hands divine thee in thine orbit flung,
Impelled, sustained, enlivened by the might
Of that one voice which erst commanded light
From darkness forth to spring, and in thy young
Complaisant face to shine as when was sung
Creation's song when Chaos took its flight.
Dost welcome come; and well does thy mild face
The pensive spirit soothe with gentle beam,
When Sol has left his flaming mid-day throne;
And wearied man, still pressing in life's race
For riches, fame and pow'r, and what may seem
His earthly all, must thy soft influence own.

Zobacz też: Sonnets, roundels, madrigals, etc..


  1. J.D. Vinton. [dostęp 2017-04-20]. (ang.).

