Vinton’s Poems: Translations, Miscellaneous, Sacred and Humorous
Vinton’s Poems: Translations, Miscellaneous, Sacred and Humorous – tomik wierszy Jonathana Dwighta Vintona (1831–1903)[1], opublikowany w Filadelfii w 1886. Oprócz własnych liryków poety znalazły się w nim tłumaczenia, między innymi utworów Anakreonta, Wergiliusza, Owidiusza, Friedricha Schillera, Friedricha Gottlieba Klopstocka, Garcilasa de la Vegi, Giacoma Leopardiego, Wiktora Hugo i Heinricha Heinego. Wśród oryginalnych liryków poety można odnaleźć między innymi wiersze Welcome Home!, The Little Wanderers, Country Gossip, The Rainbow, To My Mother, Morning, Memory, Oh, I Am Young i przytoczony poniżej Sonnet. To the Moon.
- With mellow ray, thou blushing queen of night,
- As if in air, and yet on nothing hung
- Where hands divine thee in thine orbit flung,
- Impelled, sustained, enlivened by the might
- Of that one voice which erst commanded light
- From darkness forth to spring, and in thy young
- Complaisant face to shine as when was sung
- Creation's song when Chaos took its flight.
- Dost welcome come; and well does thy mild face
- The pensive spirit soothe with gentle beam,
- When Sol has left his flaming mid-day throne;
- And wearied man, still pressing in life's race
- For riches, fame and pow'r, and what may seem
- His earthly all, must thy soft influence own.
Zobacz też: Sonnets, roundels, madrigals, etc..
edytuj- ↑ J.D. Vinton. [dostęp 2017-04-20]. (ang.).
edytuj- Jonathan Dwight Vinton: Vinton’s Poems: Translations, Miscellaneous, Sacred and Humorous., 1886. [dostęp 2017-04-21]. (ang.).