Wikiprojekt:Tłumaczenie artykułów/Lista najbliższych galaktyk

To jest lista galaktyk odległych maksymalnie 3.59 megaparseków (11.7 milionów lat świetlnych) od Układu Słonecznego, in ascending order of distance. This encompasses all of the about 50 Grupa Lokalna galaxies, and some that are members of neighboring galaxy groups, the M81 Group and the Centaurus A/M83 Group, and some that are currently not in any defined galaxy group.

The list aims to reflect current knowledge: not all galaxies within the 3.59 Mpc radius have been discovered. Nearby dwarf galaxies are still being discovered, and galaxies located behind the central plane of the Milky Way are extremely difficult to discern. It is possible for any galaxy to mask another located beyond it. Intergalactic distance measurements are subject to large uncertainties. Figures listed are composites of many measurements, some of which may have had their individual error bars tightened to the point of no longer overlapping with each other.[1]

# Zdjęcie Galaktyka Typ Odległość od Ziemi Magnituda Przynależność do grupy galaktyk Uwagi Średnica
miliony lat świetlnych Mpc M m
  1   Droga Mleczna SBbc 0.027[2] 0.008[2] −20.8 [1] n/a Grupa Lokalna Galaktyka, w której się znajdujemy 100,000–180,000 ly
  2 Karzeł Wielkiego Psa Irr (status galaktyki dyskutowany) 0.025[3] 0.008 −14.5 23.3 Grupa Lokalna Satellite of Milky Way (accretion by Milky Way) N/A
  3   SagDEG (Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy) dSph/E7 0.081 0.024[4] −12.67[4] 4.5[5] Grupa Lokalna Satellite of Milky Way (partial accretion by Milky Way) 10,000 ly
  4 Karzeł Wielkiej Niedźwiedzicy II dSph 0.098 0.030 −4.2 14.3 Grupa Lokalna Satellite of Milky Way (accretion by Milky Way) ~1,800 ly
  5   Wielki Obłok Magellana (LMC) Irr/SB(s)m 0.163 0.050[4] −17.93[4] 0.9[5] Grupa Lokalna Satellite of Milky Way 14,000 ly
  6 Karzeł Wolarza d Sph 0.197[5] 0.060 −5.8[6] 13.1 Grupa Lokalna Satellite of Milky Way N/A
  7   Mały Obłok Magellana (SMC, NGC 292) SB(s)m pec 0.206 0.063[4] −16.35[4] 2.7[5] Grupa Lokalna Satellite of Milky Way 7,000 ly
  8 Karzeł Małej Niedźwiedzicy dE4 0.206 0.063[4] −7.13[4] 11.9[5] Grupa Lokalna Satellite of Milky Way
  9   Karzeł Smoka (DDO 208) dE0 pec 0.258 0.079[4] −8.74[4] 10.9[5] Grupa Lokalna Satellite of Milky Way with a large amount of dark matter ~2,700 × 1,900 ly
 10   NGC 2419 Glob Clus 0.275 0.084 −9.5/−11 ? 9.06 Brightest remote MW globular cluster 520 ly
 11 Karzeł Sekstansu dSph 0.281 0.086[4] −7.98[4] 12[5] Grupa Lokalna Satellite of Milky Way 8,400 ly
 12   Karzeł Rzeźbiarza (E351-G30) dE3 0.287 0.088[4] −9.77[4] 10.1[5] Grupa Lokalna Satellite of Milky Way N/A
 13 Karzeł Wielkiej Niedźwiedzicy I (UMa I dSph) dSph 0.330 0.10[7] −6.75[7] Grupa Lokalna Satellite of Milky Way A few thousand ly
 14   Karzeł Kila (E206-G220) dE3 0.330 0.10[4] −8.97[7] 11.3[5] Grupa Lokalna Satellite of Milky Way 1,600 ly
 15 Karzeł Pieca (E356-G04) dSPh/E2 0.46 0.14[1] −11.5[4] 9.28[1] Grupa Lokalna Satellite of Milky Way N/A
 16 Karzeł Lwa II (Leo B, DDO 93) dE0 pec 0.701[8] 0.215 −9.23[4] 12.45[1] Grupa Lokalna Satellite of Milky Way 4,100 ly (tidal)
 17   Karzeł Lwa I (DDO 74, UGC 5470) dE3 0.820[8] 0.25 −10.97[4] 11.18[1] Grupa Lokalna Satellite of Milky Way N/A
 18 Karzeł Lwa T G[5] 1.370 0.42[9] 16[5] Grupa Lokalna Satellite of Milky Way? 2,300 ly
 19   Karzeł Feniksa (P 6830) IAm 1.44 0.44 −10.22[4] 13.07[1] Grupa Lokalna Satellite of Milky Way N/A
 20   Galaktyka Barnarda (NGC 6822) IB(s)m IV-V 1.630[8] 0.50 −15.22[4] 9.32[1] Grupa Lokalna Satellite of Milky Way 7,000 ly
 21 MGC1[10] Glob Clus 2 0.615 −9.2 Grupa Lokalna Isolated cluster at ~200 kpc from M31 N/A
 22   NGC 185 dE3 pec 2.010 [11] 0.62 −14.76[4] 9.99[1] Grupa Lokalna Satellite of Andromeda N/A
 23 Andromeda II dE0 2.130 [11] 0.65 −9.33[4] 15.10[1] Grupa Lokalna Satellite of Andromeda N/A
 24   IC 10 (UGC 192) dIrr IV/BCD[5] 2.2 0.67 −15.57[4] 12.2[1] Grupa Lokalna Satellite of Andromeda N/A
 25   NGC 147 (DDO 3) dE5 pec 2.200[11] 0.68 −14.9[4] 10.36[1] Grupa Lokalna Satellite of Andromeda N/A
 26   Leo A (Leo III, DDO 69) IBm V 2.250[8] 0.80[12] −11.68[12] 12.92 Grupa Lokalna Satellite of Milky Way N/A
 27   IC 1613 (UGC 668) IAB(s)m V 2.350[8] 0.72 −14.51[4] 9.92[1] Grupa Lokalna Satellite of Andromeda N/A
 28   Andromeda I dE3 pec 2.430[11] 0.75 −10.87[4] 13.9[1] Grupa Lokalna Satellite of Andromeda N/A
 29 Andromeda III dE2 2.440[11] 0.75 −9.30[4] 15.20[1] Grupa Lokalna Satellite of Andromeda N/A
 30 Karzeł Wieloryba dSph/E4 2.460[11] 0.75 −10.18[4] 14.4[1] Grupa Lokalna Satellite of Andromeda[4] N/A
 31   M32 (NGC 221) E2 2.480;[8] 0.76 −15.96[4] 8.73[1] Grupa Lokalna Close Satellite of Andromeda 6,500 ly
 32   Karzeł Kasjopei (Cas dSph, Andromeda VII) dSph 2.490[11] 0.76 −11.67[4] 13.65[1] Grupa Lokalna Satellite of Andromeda[4] N/A
 33 Andromeda IX dE 2.500[11] 0.77 −7.5[4] Grupa Lokalna Satellite of Andromeda[4] N/A
 34   LGS 3 dIrr/dSph 2.510[11] 0.77 −7.96[4] 16.18[1] Grupa Lokalna Satellite of Triangulum[potrzebny przypis] N/A
 35 Andromeda V dSph 2.52[11] 0.77 −8.41[4] 16.67[1] Grupa Lokalna Satellite of Andromeda[4] N/A
 36 Pegasus Dwarf Sph (And VI) dSph 2.55[11] 0.78 −10.80[4] 14.05[1] Grupa Lokalna Satellite of Andromeda[4] N/A
 37 Andromeda VIII dSph[13] 2.7 0.828 −15.6 9.1 Grupa Lokalna Tidally distorted dwarf close to Andromeda discovered 2003[13] N/A
 —   Galaktyka Andromedy (M31) SA(s)b 2.56[11] 0.79 −21.58[4] 4.17[1] Grupa Lokalna Largest Galaxy in the Local Group, with at least 19 satellite galaxies 220,000 ly
 38   Galaktyka Trójkąta (M33) SAc 2.64 [11] 0.81 −18.87[4] 6.19[1] Grupa Lokalna Most distant (difficult) naked eye object 60,000 ly
 39   M110 (NGC 205) E6p 2.69 [11] 0.83 −16.15[4] 8.72[1] Grupa Lokalna Close Satellite of Andromeda N/A
 40 Andromeda XXI[14] dSph 2.8 0.86 −9.9 Grupa Lokalna Satellite of Andromeda 13,000 ly
 41 Andromeda XXII[14] <dSph 3.22 0.987 6.5 Grupa Lokalna Satellite of Andromeda
 42   Karzeł Tukana dE5 2.87 0.88[4] −9.16 15.7[1] Grupa Lokalna[4] Isolated group member — a 'primordial' galaxy[15] N/A
 43 Andromeda X dSph[5] 2.90 0.889 −8.1[16] 16.1[5] Grupa Lokalna Satellite of Andromeda discovered 2006 N/A
 44 Nieregularny Karzeł Pegaza (DDO 216) dIrr/DSph[5] 3.00 [11] 0.92 −11.47[4] 13.21[5] Grupa Lokalna Satellite of Andromeda N/A
 45 Andromeda XIX[17] dG 3.04 0.933 −9.3 Grupa Lokalna Satellite of Andromeda, spread over 1.7 kpc 22,200 ly
 46   Wolf-Lundmark-Melotte (WLM, DDO 221) Ib(s)m[5] 3.16 0.97[12] −14.06[12] 11.03[5] Grupa Lokalna Isolated member at the edge of the local group N/A
 47   SagDIG (Sagittarius Dwarf Irregular Galaxy) IB(s)m V[5] 3.39 1.04[4] −11.49 15.5 Grupa Lokalna[1] Isolated group member N/A
 48   Karzeł Wodnika (DDO 210) Im V 3.49 [11] 1.07 / 0.94[12] −11.09[12] 14.0[5] Grupa Lokalna Isolated group member N/A
 49   UGC 4879 (VV124)[18] 3.59 1.1 −11.5[12] Grupa Lokalna N/A
 50   Karzeł Pompy dE3.5[5] 4.08 1.25[12] −9.63[12] 16.19[1] Grupa Lokalna May have interacted with NGC 3109[19] 3,000 ly
 51   Sextans A (UGCA 205, DDO 75) IBm[5] 4.31[20] 1.32 −13.95[4] 11.86[5] Grupa Lokalna[1] Isolated group member N/A
 52   NGC 3109 SB(s)m 4.24 1.30[19] −15.68[1] 10.39[1] Grupa Lokalna N/A
 53   Andromeda XVIII[17] dG 4.42 1.355 −9.7 Grupa Lokalna N/A
 54   Sextans B (UGC 5373) IM IV-V[5] 4.44 1.44[12] −14.08[12] 11.85[5] Grupa Lokalna[1] N/A
 55 KKh 060 Ir 4.89 1.5[1] 18B[5] N/A
 56 KUG 1210+301B (KK98 127) S.. 4.89 1.5[1] 15.7[5] between LG and M94 Pair? N/A
 57 HIZSS 003 5.5 1.69[12] −12.60[12] 18B[5] Far below the SG plane Hidden by the Milky Way N/A
 58 KKR 25 Ir 6.07 1.86[1] −9.94[12] 17.0[5] N/A
 59 ESO 410-G005 E3[5] 6.33 1.94[12] −11.60[12] 14.85[5] NGC 55 & 300 N/A
 60 ESO 294-010 dS0/Im[5] 6.26[21] 1.96[12] −10.95[12] 15.6[5] NGC 55 & 300 N/A
 61 IC 5152 IA(s)m[5] 6.42 1.97[12] −15.56[12] 11.06[5] NGC 55 & 300 ? Remotely on the side of NGC 55 N/A
 62 GR 8 (DDO 155) ImV[5] 6.95 2.13[12] −12.14[12] 14.65[5] Inner edge of M94 Group "footprint galaxy" N/A
 63   KKR 03 (KK98 230) dwarf Irr 6.98 2.14[12] −9.8 17.90[5] Inner edge of M94 Group 980 ly
 64   NGC 300 SA(s)d[5] 7.01 2.15[21] −17.92[1] 8.95[5] Inner edge of Sculptor group forms pair with NGC 55 150,000? ly
 65   NGC 55 SB(s)m: sp[5] 7.08 2.17[12] −18.47[12] 8.84[1] Inner edge of Sculptor group Forms pair with NGC 300 730,000? ly
 66 UGCA 438 (ESO 407-018) IB(s)m pec:[5] 7.24 2.22[12] −12.92[12] 13.86[1] NGC 55 & 300
 67 UGC 09128 (DDO 187) ImIV-V 7.3 2.24[12] −12.47[12] 14.38[5] Inner edge of M94 Group
 68 IC 3104 IB(s)m 7.40 2.27[1] −14.85[12] 13.63[5] On the way to Circinus galaxy
 69 IC 4662 (ESO 102- G 014) IBm 7.96 2.44[12] −15.56[12] 11.74[5] On the way to Circinus galaxy
 70 KKh 98 Irr 7.99 2.45[1] −10.78[1] 16.7[5] IC 342/Maffei Group
 71 UGC 8508 (I Zw 060) IAm 8.35 [22] 2.69[12] −13.09[12] 14.40[5] M94 Group
 72 KKh 086 Ir 8.51 2.60[12] −10.30[12] 16.8[5] Isolated (M94/Cent A)
 73 DDO 99 (UGC 06817) Im 8.61 2.64[1]–3.9[5] −13.52[12] 13.4[5] M94 Group
 74 UGC 07577 (DDO 125) Im 8.94 2.74[12] −14.32[12] 12.84[5] M94 Group
 75   UGC 9240 (DDO 190) IAm 9.10 2.80[12] −14.19[12] 13.25[5] M94 Group
 76   Dwingeloo 1 SB(s)cd 9.13 2.8[1] −18.78 19.8[5] IC 342/Maffei Group
 77   Maffei 2 SAB(rs)bc 9.13 2.8[1] −20.15[4] 14.77[5] IC 342/Maffei Group
 78 UGCA 276 (DDO 113) Im 9.32 2.86[1] 15.40[5] M94 Group
 79   NGC 4214 (UGC 07278) IAB(s)m 9.58 2.94[1] 10.24[5] M94 Group Starburst galaxy
 80 UGCA 86 SAB(s)m[23] 9.65 2.96[24] 13.5[5] IC 342/Maffei Group[23]
 81 NGC 4163 dIrr 9.65 2.96[24] 14.5[5] M94 Group
 82 Dwingeloo 2 Im? 9.78 3.0[1] −14.55[1] 20.5[5] IC 342/Maffei Group
 83 KKH 11 (ZOAG G135.74-04.53) dE/N 9.78 3.0[1] −13.35[4] 16.2[5] IC 342/Maffei Group
 84 KKH 12 Ir 9.78 3.0[1] −13.03 17.8[5] IC 342/Maffei Group
 85 MB 3 dSph 9.78 3.0[1] −13.65[4] 19.8[5] IC 342/Maffei Group
 86 MB 1 (KK98 21) SAB(s)d? 9.78 3.0[1] −14.81[4] 20.5[5] IC 342/Maffei Group
 87   Maffei 1 S0- pec 9.78 3.0[1] −18.97[4] 11.4[5] IC 342/Maffei Group
 88 UGCA 92 Im?[5] 9.82 3.01[24] 13[5] IC 342/Maffei Group[23]
 89 UGC 8651 (DDO 181) Im 9.82 3.01[1] 14.7[5] M94 Group
 90   NGC 1569 (UGC 03056) IBm;Sbrst[5] 9.98 3.06[25] −18.17[1] 11.86[5] IC 342/Maffei Group[23]
 91 ESO 274-01[26] SAd: 10.1 3.09 11.7 Centaurus A Group
 92 UGCA 292 (DDO 125) ImIV-V 10.11 3.1[1] 16.0[5] M94 Group
 93 NGC 3741 ImIII/BCD 10.21 [22] 3.13 14.3[5] M94 Group
 94 KK98 35 Irr 10.31 3.16[1] −14.30 17.2[5] IC 342/Maffei Group
 95 HIPASS J1247-77 Im 10.31 3.16[27] 17.B[5] Aligned with IC 3104
 96   NGC 2366 IB(s)m 10.40 [22] 3.19 11.43[5] M81 group
 97 UGCA 133 (DDO 44) Im 10.40 [22] 3.19 15.54[5] M81 group
 98 ESO 321-014[26] IBm[5] 10.40 [26] 3.19 15.16[5] Centaurus A Group
 99   UGC 8833 Im 10.41 3.19[1] 16.5[5] M94 Group
100 UGC 4483 BlueCG 10.47 [22] 3.21 15.2[5] M81 group
101   NGC 404 SA(s)0-:[5] 10.56 3.24[12] −16.61[12] 11.21[5] 'Mirach's Ghost'
102   UGCA 105 Im? 10.63 [22] 3.26 −16.81 13.9[5] IC 342/Maffei Group
103   IC 342 SAB(rs)cd[5] 10.70 3.28[1] −20.69[1] 9.37[1] IC 342/Maffei Group "the hidden galaxy"
104 Cas 1 (KK98 19) dwarf Irr 10.76 3.3[1] −16.70 16.38[5] IC 342/Maffei Group
105   NGC 2403 SAB(s)cd HII 10.76 3.30[4] −19.29 8.93[5] M81 group
106 Camelopardalis B Irr 10.80 [22] 3.31 −11.85 16.1[5] IC 342/Maffei Group
107 UGCA 015 (DDO 6) IB(s)m 10.90 3.34[4] −12.50[4] 15.19[5] Sculptor group
108 KKH 37 (Mai 16) S/Irr 11.06 3.39[27] 16.4[5] IC 342/Maffei Group
109   Holmberg II (DDO 50, UGC 4305) Im 11.06 [22] 3.39 11.1[5] M81 group
110   NGC 5102 SA0- HII 11.09 3.40[1] −18.08.56 10.35[5] Centaurus A Group
111 NGC 5237 I0?[5] 11.09 3.40;[26] 13.23[5] Centaurus A Group
112 ESO 325-11 11.09 3.40;[26] 13.99[5] Centaurus A Group
113   ESO 540-030 (KDG 2) IABm 11.10 3.40[4] −11.39 16.45[5] Sculptor group
114 FM2000 1 dSph? 11.15 [22] 3.42 17.5[5] M81 group
115 ESO 540-032 IAB(s)m pec: 11.15 3.42[4] −11.32[4] 16.55[5] Sculptor group
116 NGC 1560 SA(s)d HII 11.25 3.45[1] −16.87[4] 12.16[5] IC 342/Maffei Group
117 ESO 383-087 (ISG 39) SB(s)dm 11.3 3.45[26] −15.16[1] 11.03[5] Centaurus A Group
118 NGC 5206 11.3 3.47;[26] Centaurus A Group
119 KK 179 (ESO 269-37) 11.4 3.48[26] Centaurus A Group
120 KK98 77 dwarf Sph 11.35 [22] 3.48 16.2[5] M81 group
121 DDO 71 Im 11.42 [22] 3.50 18[5] M81 group
122   M82 I0;Sbrst HII 11.51 3.53[4] −19.63[4] 9.30 [5] M81 group 37,000 ly
123 ESO 269-66 (KK98 190) dE,N 11.55 3.54[1] −13.56 14.11[5] Centaurus A Group
124 M81 Dwarf A (KDG 52) I? 11.58 [22] 3.55 −11.49[4] 16.5[5] M81 group
125   NGC 2976 SAc pec HII 11.61 [22] 3.56 −17.1[4] 10.82[5] M81 group
126   UGC 4459 (DDO 53) Im 11.61 [22] 3.56 −13.37[4] 14.48 [5] M81 group
127   NGC 4945 SB(s)cd:sp[5] 11.70 [28] 3.59 −20.51[1] 9.3[5] Centaurus A Group
#   Galaxy Type Dist from Earth Magnitude Group
Mly Mpc M m

See also


Szablon:Wikipedia books

  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn I. D. Karachentsev et al.(2004) A Catalog of Neighboring Galaxies Refinements in distance measurements could change the order presented in this list.
  2. a b distance of the Solar System from the Galactic Center. The distance of Earth from the galaxy which contains it is of course "zero".
  3. From official press release announcing discovery (University of Strasbourg) Szablon:Webarchive accessdate = June 2008
  4. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl I.D. Karachentsev, The Local Group and Other Neighboring Galaxy Groups, „Astronomical Journal”, 1, 129, 2005, s. 178–188, DOI10.1086/426368, Bibcode2005AJ....129..178K, arXiv:astro-ph/0410065.
  5. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database [online].
  6. Belokurov, 2006 A Faint New Milky Way Satellite in Bootes
  7. a b c Willman, Dalcanton, Martinez-Delgado, et al. (2005) "A New Milky Way Dwarf Galaxy in Ursa Major", submitted to Astrophysical Journal Letters, on astro-ph/0503552
  8. a b c d e f van den Bergh, S. (2000)Updated Information on the Local Group
  9. Discovery of an Unusual Dwarf Galaxy in the Outskirts of the Milky Way, „The Astrophysical Journal”, 656, 2007, L13–L16, DOI10.1086/512183, Bibcode2007ApJ...656L..13I, arXiv:astro-ph/0701154.
  10. Deep Gemini/GMOS imaging of an extremely isolated globular cluster in the Local Group, „Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society”, 401, 2009, s. 533–546, DOI10.1111/j.1365-2966.2009.15678.x, Bibcode2010MNRAS.401..533M, arXiv:0909.1456.
  11. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p McConnachie, A. W. et al. 2005 Distances and Metallicities for 17 Local Group Galaxies
  12. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq The Hubble flow around the Local Group, „Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society”, 4, 393, 2009, s. 1265, DOI10.1111/j.1365-2966.2008.14300.x, Bibcode2009MNRAS.393.1265K, arXiv:0811.4610.
  13. a b Morrison et al. 2003 Andromeda VIII, a New Tidally Distorted satellite of M31 — for details see [1]
  14. a b PAndAS' cubs: Discovery of two new dwarf galaxies in the surroundings of the Andromeda and Triangulum galaxies, „The Astrophysical Journal”, 705, 2009, s. 758–765, DOI10.1088/0004-637X/705/1/758, Bibcode2009ApJ...705..758M, arXiv:0909.0399.
  15. See
  16. Zucker et al. 2007 Andromeda X, a New Dwarf Spheroidal satellite of M31:Photometry — for details see [2]
  17. a b A Trio of New Local Group Galaxies with Extreme Properties, Alan W. McConnachie et al. 2008, ApJ 688 1009-1020,
  18. VV124 (UGC4879): A new transitional dwarf galaxy in the periphery of the Local Group, „Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters”, 387, 2008, L45–L49, DOI10.1111/j.1745-3933.2008.00482.x, Bibcode2008MNRAS.387L..45K, arXiv:0803.1107.
  19. a b Soszynski "et al."(2006) The Araucaria Project: Distance to the Local Group Galaxy NGC 3109 from Near-Infrared Photometry of Cepheids see [3]
  20. Dolphin, Andrew E. et al. 2003 Deep Hubble Space Telescope Imaging of Sextans A. II. Cepheids and Distance
  21. a b Karachentsev, I. D. et al. (2003) Distances to Nearby Galaxies in Sculptor
  22. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Karachentsev, I. D. et al.(2002)The M 81 group of galaxies: New distances, kinematics and structure
  23. a b c d see article at
  24. a b c
  25. Grocholski, A.J. et al. "HST/ACS Photometry of Old Stars in NGC 1569: The Star Formation History of a Nearby Starburst", 2012, Astronomical Journal, 143, 117-135 Szablon:Doi ,
  26. a b c d e f g h
  27. a b
  28. I. D. Karachentsev et al.(2002) New distances to galaxies in the Centaurus A group




Nearest galaxies Galaxies, nearest